Friday, October 28, 2011

The Brokamp Family

This family is so fun, and I just love being around them!

I've known Delesa (mom) for several years now -- y'know school & PTO stuff is what started it.  The family being awesome is what keeps it going!

Delesa & Kevin got married a couple of years ago, and baby Fen came along to make their family of four complete.  Brayton & Fender are going to be the best of friends... I just know it!  Brayton is such a rock star big brother!  I was so impressed on this shoot at how attentive he is to Fen's needs.  When it was mom & dad's turn for a picture alone, Brayt just grabbed the baby like it was second nature.  I LOVE that!

This family is so photogenic, it's not even funny!


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