Thursday, September 22, 2011

Claudia turns TWO!

Mother Nature tried her best to keep us from this photo session -- but we waited her out!  It was a little cooler outside than we were expecting... but that just means that fall is right around the corner.  :)

The many faces of Miss Claudia
I just loved the "sass" you could see, just from her running!
 The cutie-pie Miss Claudia turned TWO YEARS OLD!  She's such a doll!  And speaking of doll, she loves her dolls.  And she brought them to the shoot!  I got to meet all of her lovies.  This, truly, is what I love about my job.  I get to meet new people and I get to see some of the best parts of their lives -- their family members (both real and stuffed... and sometimes even 4-legged).

Claudia also loves wagons.  I brought one to the shoot, and she was super content to ride from place to place in the wagon with her dolls in tow.  :)

We played dress up, went for an adventure in the woods, and then read a couple of books.  All in all, it was an AWESOME day!

I'm just going to mention that Claudia's mom is a GENIUS!  She brought along one of those really big, swirly lollipop's as a reward for her if she was good during the shoot.  She was such a trooper & totally earned that lollipop!  Not to mention, it made for some super-cute pictures!


1 comment:

  1. You really captured what I love about Claudia! She has such a fun personality! `Claudia's Grandma.. :)
